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Prof. Sean Tierney Training Fellowship Grant

The RCSI Professor Sean Tierney Training Fellowship Grant is now open to
receive applications

The Professor Sean Tierney Training Fellowship Grant is an award intended to
promote the acquisition of additional surgical skills and knowledge that will contribute
to the advancement of surgical science and practice in the East, Central and
Southern African region. It is named in memory of Professor Tierney, who played a
foundational role in the long-standing collaboration between the College of Surgeons
of East, Central and Southern Africa (COSECSA), and the Royal College of
Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI).

One grant will be awarded each year. The successful candidate will be awarded a
Fellowship Grant amount of ā‚¬12,000. This award is funded by RCSI.
The Fellowship Grant is intended to cover stipend, travel allowance, accommodation,
COSECSA fees and other costs.

Further information about this fellowship grant can be found here:

Applications will be considered from the following:

  • COSECSA Trainees, enrolled in a COSECSA Fellowship training programme
    and intending to sit the FCS examination in the year of application.
  • COSECSA Fellows in good standing who have completed COSECSA
    Fellowship training within the previous two years.
  • The proposed host institution must be a unit with subspecialty service or
    academic opportunity, anywhere within Africa. The applicant cannot already
    be based in this unit. It is not a requirement that the host institution offer a
    formal training programme in the chosen sub-specialty.
  • Applicants must be intending to be on Fellowship in the year following
  • The Fellowship must be full-time and tenable for one year outside of the
    applicantā€™s home institution.

Note: COSECSA FCS examination candidates who have not undertaken the
Fellowship training programme are not eligible for this award.


Among the criteria the Board will consider in making its recommendations, will be

  • Merits of the proposed centre in relation to the candidateā€™s learning outcomes.
  • Candidateā€™s curriculum vitae; and
  • Value to East, Central and Southern African health services from the
    proposed visit.

Application Process
Applications will be accepted from 1st February until 30th April each year.Ā The
winner of the Fellowship Grant for the following year will be announced in June.

The application process requires candidates to:
1. Complete the online application form, providing details of their proposed
Fellowship. The application form will be accessible HEREĀ from the 1 st February
2025, and will automatically be sent to the administrator for processing upon
2. Submit the following to Ms Miriam Kennedy, Department of Surgical Affairs,
via email (
a.Ā A copy of their curriculum vitae.
b.Ā Written acknowledgement from the unit to be visited, on headed paper
which specifies the start and end dates of the Fellowship as well as the
location of the Fellowship.

It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that his/her completed application is
received in full before the closing date.

Closing Date for Applications
The closing date for receipt of applications is: 30th April 2025

Any queries in relation to the above can be directed via email to Ms Miriam Kennedy,
Department of Surgical Affairs, via email (

For more information Click Here